
Learning Objectives

  • Identify and use different kinds of basic sequences: strings, ranges, lists and tuples
  • Understand the limitations and restrictions of each type of sequence
  • Understand the difference between mutable and immutable sequences
  • Use an index to access a value in a sequence
  • Use slicing to obtain a subsequence


There is at times a magic in identity of position. -- E.M. Forster, A Room with a View

She knew all the indices to the idle lonely. -- Joan Didion, Play It as It Lays

Our data types so far have been quite lonely: a single number as an int or a float, or a single truth value as a bool. We can build interactive programs with just a few numbers to describe a square, but we find ourselves in a position where we have to declare a new variable for each individual value that we want to store and manipulate. In this section, we'll learn about new sequence data types that serve as containers for multiple pieces of information. Our introduction to sequences will come with a closer look at a familiar data type: str.

Strings as Sequences of Characters

Strings are Sequences

As we learned before, the str data type is how we represent text in Python. We can create a string by writing out a literal as a bunch of characters placed between a pair of the quotation marks of your choice:

vocabulary_word = "vermiculate"

A string is defined not just by the characters it contains, but by the order in which those characters are stored. The words relatives and versatile are anagrams of each other—they contain the same characters—but they are not the same words and they are not the same strings!

a = "relatives"
b = "versatile"
print(a == b)   # prints False!

In Python, a sequence is a kind of data type that is capable of storing several pieces of information in a specific order. We see that a str value fits this description: it is capable of storing arbitrarily many characters and it does so in a specific order. We are limited to storing just one kind of data in a string (characters), and we'll see that this is actually restrictive compared to other sequence types in Python.

Since strings know the order of the characters that make them up, we can actually access individual characters one at a time using indexing.

Strings are Indexable Sequences

A sequence is indexable in the sense that we can refer to its first value, its second value, and so on, all the way up to its final value. In Python, the indices that we use start at 0 (not 1), meaning that when we diagram the index of each character in a string, it looks like this:


Notice that indexing is a word with eight letters (that is, len("indexing") == 8 is True) and since we start counting at 0, the index of the last character is 7. That difference between the length of a string and the index of its last element is present in strings of different lengths:

"short"     # 5 characters long
 01234      # biggest index: 4

"lengthy"   # 7 characters long
 0123456    # biggest index: 6

In general, for a string and for all sequences, the index of the nth element is n - 1. The first element lives at index 0, the fourth element lives at index 3, the 653rd element lives at index 652, and the last element in a string of n characters lives at index n - 1.

Now that we've belabored the point 1000 times (of which the final time would be found at index 999...), we can confidently move on to the indexing operator in Python. For a sequence s of any type, you can access the element at position i inside of that sequence by writing s[i].

For example, in "Travis Q. McGaha", the Q is the eighth letter and so it lives at index 7. Therefore, to pull that character out of the larger string, we can do the following.

full_name = "Travis Q. McGaha"
middle_initial = full_name[7]

print(middle_initial)           # prints 'Q'

It's worth noting that the type of middle_initial in this case is still str—individual characters in Python still count as strings themselves. In any case, we could expand the example to get Travis' first and last initials too:

full_name = "Travis Q. McGaha"
middle_initial = full_name[7]   # Q
first_initial = full_name[0]    # T
last_initial = full_name[10]    # M

The indices that are valid for a sequence of length n always range from 0 to n - 1. An empty sequence, like the empty string "", is one that has a length of 0 and therefore has no valid indices to speak of.

If you try to access an index that is not valid (because it is negative or because it is too big), you will crash your program with an IndexError:

>>> "HSS"[100]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: string index out of range
>>> "HSS"[-1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: string index out of range

Strings are Concatenatable Sequences

Since each initial is just a str, we can concatenate them all together using the + operator. This is actually another common feature of Python sequences: two sequences of the same type can usually be concatenated together. (There are some exceptions.)

full_name = "Travis Q. McGaha"
middle_initial = full_name[7]   # Q
first_initial = full_name[0]    # T
last_initial = full_name[10]    # M

full_initials = first_initial + middle_initial + last_initial
print(full_initials)            # prints "TQM"

Strings are Sliceable Sequences

Now that we are more comfortable with sequences and their indices, we can interrogate a claim recently made to me by a bumper sticker on a passing car: that there is no earth without art. I absolutely agree with the implied argument that there's not much point in being here on this planet without being able to express ourselves creatively. But perhaps there's something more literal here to investigate:


If we look at the indices of the characters in the string "earth", we can see that the bumper sticker was also correct in a sequency sense: characters 2 through 4 of "earth" do literally spell out "art". Pulling one sequence out of another is something that we'll often want to do in our programs—not just when we have a pun that we want to belabor—and Python has a syntax for doing it. In the context of strings, if we want to obtain a subsequence of a string s including all characters starting at index i and stopping before index j, then we can do that by writing s[i:j]. For instance:

print("earth"[1:4])     # prints "art" 🖌️
print("earth"[0:3])     # you also can't have "earth"
                        # without "ear" 👂

Notice that in each case we are excluding the character at the end position. "earth[1:4]" gives "art", which is the subsequence consisting of characters at positions 1, 2, and 3 only. This takes some getting used to.

A positive feature of including the starting index but excluding the latter is that you can pretty easily calculate how many characters you're getting: s[i:j] will always have a length of i - j characters.

Another implication of this design choice means that if you want to get a subsequence containing all characters including the last one, the stopping index is one larger than the highest index of any element actually present in the sequence:

title = "crossroads"
# all three examples below give exactly the same value
roads_one = title[5:10]
roads_two = title[5:len(title)]
roads_three = title[5:]

print(roads_one)                                # prints "roads"
print(roads_one == roads_two == roads_three)    # prints True

This last version—title[5:]—is a useful syntactical shorthand for getting all characters in title starting at position 5 and going all the way to the end of the string. In fact, we can do something similar for shorthand when taking all characters up until a certain position:

title = "crossroads"
# both examples below give exactly the same value
cross_one = title[0:5]
cross_two = title[:5]

print(cross_one)                 # prints "cross"
print(cross_one == cross_two)    # prints True

It's also possible to take non-contiguous slices—slices that skip over a fixed number of elements between selections from the larger sequence. Thus, the full slicing syntax emerges:

If you want every kth element of a string s starting at index i and ending at index j, you can write:


Broadly, the "formula" is [start:stop:step]. Let's take a look at an example. If we want to obtain just "BC" as a slice, we can write the following expression:

>>> interwoven_alphabet = "AaBbCc"
>>> interwoven_alphabet[2:5:2]

How do we get "BC"? Writing down the indices of the string helps to illuminate:


We start taking characters at position 2 based on the start. That's "B". Then, we take a step of 2 over to position 4. That's "C". We take one more step of size 2 over to position 6—but 6 is greater than 5, which is our stopping position. We take "B" and "C" and nothing else, making our slice.

Take another example:

>>> interwoven_alphabet[0:6:3]

We'll start at position 0, taking "A". We'll take a step of 3 over to position 3 and take "b". We'll take another step of 3 over to position 6, which is our stopping index. We're done, and "Ab" is the output slice.

We can extend this even further with negative step sizes: it gets a bit tricky, but it can be useful. In these cases, we'll actually have start values that are greater than our stop values; this works since we'll be stepping backwards from start to stop:

>>> "devolve"[3:0:-1]

We start at position 4, which is "l". We take a step of -1 to position 3, which is "o". Another step of -1 to position 2, which is "v". Stepping by -1 to position 1 gives us e, and then we take one more step of -1 over to position 0, which is our stop position. We're done, and "love" is the result. Awww 💖.

Taking slices in reverse is a little tricky to get the hang of. For example, there's a big difference between "devolve"[3:0:-1] and "devolve"[3::-1]—try it out! This is mostly a niche application anyway, but it's worth bringing up for an idiom that comes in handy from time to time. A slice of [::-1] is shorthand for reversing a sequence.

>>> "evol"[::-1]
>>> "pots"[::-1]

Membership in Strings

Strings support the use of the in keyword to ask if one string is a subsequence of another string. In particular, we know that we can find "art" in "earth"—that expression evaluates to True—but "at" in "earth" is False. For two strings s and t, s in t is True when you can find s as an uninterrupted sequence of characters in t. Some corollary properties:

  1. if len(s) > len(t), then s in t is always False
  2. s in s is always True
  3. "" in t is also always True

Taking Inventory

A string's identity is based on the character it contains and the order in which those characters belong. The ordering of the characters allows us to count them, starting from 0, using indices. We can use indexing to query a string for a character stored at a particular position. We can extend indexing to slicing by defining a range of indices that we want to pull characters from. And we can check for membership inside of strings using the in keyword, deciding whether one string is present inside of another. Each of these properties of a string is held in common with the other sequences we'll introduce next.


If str is the datatype for sequences of characters, then we can think of the range as the corresponding type used for sequences of numbers. A range is an ordered sequence of numbers defined by a start point, stop point, and step size. Whereas a string can feature characters in any order, ranges are more narrowly constrained. They are defined by a start, stop, and step parameter. (Sound familiar?)

Creating Ranges


The simplest ranges can be created by omitting both the start and step, which will default to 0 and 1, respectively. Writing range(10) gives us a sequence of all int values from 0 up until 9. range(100) is a bit bigger, containing all numbers from 0 up until 99. A smaller range might be range(3), containing just 0, 1, and 2. In each case, when creating a range from 0 to some stop value of n, the resulting range is a sequence of n different numbers in ascending order.

Stopping & Stepping

Like slices, ranges can be customized more fully using the start and step. Also like with slices, we can provide a negative step size to count down from our start to our stop.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4range(5)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5range(1, 6)
1, 3, 5range(1, 6, 2)
0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50range(0, 51, 10)
empty!range(6, 0)
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1range(6, 0, -1)

The procedure for determining the contents of a range from its start/stop/step is the same as before: our first number will be start, and we'll step by a fixed amount until we cross over to the other side of stop.

Have a hard time remembering your times tables? You can list all multiples of a number in a certain range using the step parameter. range(0, 100, 9) gives all multiples of 9 between 0 and 99, whereas range(0, 100, 13) does the same for multiples of 13.