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CIS 110 Codio

Creating the Assignment

Click the edit button on the top bar to edit assignments.

Unless it’s a brand new assignment, you can copy the assignment from a previous semester. Do this by Add Assignment > Existing and then navigate to the previous semester’s version.

If you’re setting up a brand new assignment, go to Add Assignment > Project Based. In Step 1, click to see more options > browse > University of Pennsylvania SEAS / CIS 110 Java Stack. Fill in the name field, and leave the memory as standard. Click Create.

If you just want to edit an existing assignment, click the name of it.

Checking the configuration

Once the assignment has been created, confirm the following configurations are correct.

Config Example

config code

Settings Lines

tab_size = 4
ruler = 85


The compile command we use doesn’t work for JUnit files, so in the config we have to change it to be actual files instead of all java files. For instance, if I wanted to compile and, the command would be javac -cp .:cis110.jar

Now, for the actual JUnit configurations, navigate to the JUnit tool through Tools -> JUnit. In this pane you can switch between JUnit Settings and JUnit Executions at the top. Settings is where you’ll change the settings, and executions is where you’ll see the test output.

On the JUnit Settings, type cis110.jar into Library path. In Add Test Case, type the name of one of the test files, click Add Test Case, and then continue that for any other test files. Keep in mind that this will throw errors if you enter a file that has no test cases in it, so if it’s a file that students will be filling out, add a test case similar to the one below to get around that issue.

public static void dummyTest() {

Pushing Changes

Once you’ve made the changes you need to make, go to the top bar of the assignment, then go to Education -> Publish Assignment.

Publishing the Homework

Leave edit mode (click the blue pencil in the top right) and click the lock next to the name of the assignment. Unlocked means available to students, locked means not available to students.